Good morning, everyone. Today I’m starting off with a little Weenie update that, hopefully, will inspire you, or someone you know.
If you read my last blogpost, you know that I hadn’t been to a networking event in quite some time. And that I committed to go to one last Friday. Here’s the update:
It. Was. A. Blast.
It really was.
Everyone was fantastically nice. The theme of the event was – Back to School – geared towards parents having their kids back in school – thank goodness (you know ), decorations, a great speaker, meeting a few people, a raffle (I won 3 prizes!), and a donation drive for school supplies for kids that need them.
In business, networking is one of those things that we need to do. We need to reach other people, not only for clients, but for camaraderie, brainstorming, and validation that you’re on the right path and doing the right things. The right groups can be fun, informative, and leave you with wanting to visit again and maybe JOIN!
Two Little Words
Here’s another thing we need to do for our businesses.
Internet Marketing
It’s both a blessing and a curse. And there’s more than one way to do it.
You probably see information coming through your email (you need this tool – buy me!), ads on Facebook or your other social media platforms (do it this way – buy me!). It feels like it’s everywhere you look.
Some of those offerings may have some merit. Others will not. It’s tempting to look at each thing and wonder if you should buy it, and then end up with a bunch of programs and tools that not only do you not know how to use them, but they also don’t work for your business.
Before you learn how to use the tools at your disposal, you have to CHOOSE THE RIGHT TOOLS for your business.
This is a pain point for many entrepreneurs and small businesses. It’s hard to know what the right tools are for your business. (That’s where I come in! I help you choose the tools and create a plan.)
Choosing the right tools may not be that easy to do, but it doesn’t have to be hard either.
The first thing you need to know is how internet marketing works and how all the pieces are interconnected.
Then you can sit down and decide what tools are the best for your company NOW. Not what you might need 3 or 5 years from now – because that will look different than today – but now.
(Note that you can be in business 5 years already and just be starting your internet marketing journey, or you’ve been struggling with it for years and need a re-evaluation and possible direction change.)
Once you have the right tools for your business identified, then you can begin to learn how to use them and start experimenting. It really is about experimenting. You develop a plan and then try different things to see what works best for you, your business, and your audience.
I don’t want to overwhelm you with too much information, so I’ll leave you with those 4 steps to ponder.
Understand how internet marketing works and how all the pieces are interconnected.
Decide what tools are best for your business as it stands right NOW.
Learn how to use those tools, or at the very least learn how they work.
Start experimenting with different ideas, begin to get a feel for what works for you and your business, and what doesn’t.
A Little Bit of Encouragement
If you’re just starting out with internet marketing, remember that everyone, at some point, has been a beginner. There was a point in time when everyone didn’t know what they didn’t know. So it’s perfectly fine – in fact, necessary – to start exactly where you are and move forward. You can do this!
Everyone has a “pain point” in their business. Mine right now are networking and FaceBook Lives, both of which I will get better at with a little more practice.
What is your pain point right now? How are you getting through it? Do you need help, but are a little afraid to ask for it?
Leave a comment below describing your pain point(s) (you already know mine ) and let’s get a conversation going!
If you are stalled in your business because you can’t figure out the internet marketing thing, let’s schedule your Marketing Jump Start call to see where you’re at and get your next steps outlined.
Email me at or DM me on Facebook!
I’d love to support you in this!